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Furniture industry, joinery, interior furnishing in Małopolska

8 minut czytania.

The Małopolska Region, together with the historical capital of Poland - Krakow, is one of the most recognizable regions in Europe. Unusual landscapes, unique nature, an impressive number of monuments, including 14 inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and a unique atmosphere – all this means that every year our region is visited by several million tourists from Poland and around the world. In addition, Małopolska is undoubtedly one of the most dynamically developing regions on the economic map of Poland and Europe. The strong position of our Małopolska is demonstrated by the dynamically operating companies in our region, recognized not only in the country but also abroad. It is not without reason that Małopolska is one of the leading destinations chosen for the organization of business and economic meetings, which only confirms the thesis that it is a perfect place for business development. Małopolska is also characterized by the large scientific and research potential of Małopolska universities and research centres. Every year, about 150,000 young people study at universities in Małopolska; research works are carried out in several hundred research and development institutions, in domestic and foreign enterprises. Małopolska has historical traditions in the design and creation of interior architecture elements, equipment for residential, office and commercial spaces, and in the production of furniture and finishing elements used in construction. In order to meet current trends in the furniture industry and growing customer expectations, Małopolska creators and manufacturers use new solutions and technologies combining tradition with innovation.

Characteristics of the furniture market in Poland:

The furniture industry is one of the most important branches of Polish industry and a solid support for our exports. The Polish furniture industry is currently experiencing a real boom. After a period of slowdown that took place in the industry in the 1980s, the Polish furniture and interior design industry began to be consistently revived with our accession to the EU. Our own ideas and original projects not inspired by Western trends and designs turned out to be an excellent idea to mark out our position in the international market and at the same time a chance to promote Poland in the world. Although the recognition of Polish brands is growing abroad, most of our furniture is sold under the brand of foreign concerns. One example is the Swedish giant IKEA - up to 40 percent of the furniture sold by this global potentate is created in our country. The success of Polish furniture is primarily associated with the price and high quality of workmanship, which is appreciated, for example, by the Germans and British. The furniture industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the Polish economy. According to CSO data, the value of furniture sold in Poland in 2018 amounted to PLN 48.6 billion. This represents an increase of as much as 18.4% compared to the results from 2017. At the same time, the share of furniture production sold in the total production sold amounted to 4.1%. Small and medium enterprises dominate in the Polish furniture industry. The number of companies in the furniture industry in 2013-2017 increased by 22.5% from 14,390 to 17,631. As of the end of 2017, the average employment rate in a furniture company was 10.7 employees. Exports of the Polish furniture industry in the years 2013–2018 recorded an increase of 58.2% from EUR 7.9 billion to EUR 12.6 billion. Furniture exported from Poland in 2018 accounted for 5.7% of global exports, which puts Poland in 3rd place among suppliers of the furniture industry. At the same time, Poland ranks 6th among global furniture manufacturers with a share of approx. 3%. The largest recipient of Polish furniture is Germany, whose share in Polish furniture industry exports in 2018 was 34.6%. Poland is the largest employer in the EU in terms of the number of people employed in the furniture manufacturing industry - 189.1 thousand employees and at the end of 2017 occupied the second position in the EU in terms of the number of companies involved in the production of furniture - 17.6 thousand companies. (source: „The furniture industry. The growing importance of Polish manufacturers in the world” PKO BP, February 2019).

If You want to know more about furniture industry, joinery and interior furnishing in Małopolska Region, read: publication about it in our publications section.


Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.