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Inicjatywy klastrowe na terenie Metropolii Krakowskiej

Inicjatywy klastrowe, wykorzystując efekt synergii realizują innowacyjne projekty. Chcesz się dowiedzieć jakie klastry występują na terenie Metropolii Krakowskiej? Pobierz nasz e-book.

Szkoły Wyższe na terenie Metropolii Krakowskiej

Czy wiesz, że na terenie Metropolii Krakowskiej działa aż 23 uczelni wyższych? Chcesz wiedzieć jakie? Pobierz przygotowany przez nas e-book i przekonaj się sam.

Tourist sector in Malopolska

Małopolska is one of the most attractive tourist regions in Poland and also the most frequently visited - both by domestic and fore-ign tourists. This is confi rmed by tourist traffi c surveys conducted periodically by the region self-government, which invariably, from year to year, show an upward trend. Who and why visits Malopolska? Check it out!

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.

New technologies, Computer Science, Innovations in Małopolska

Małopolska Region is undoubtedly one of the most dynamically developing regions on the economic map of Poland and Europe. The strong position of our region is demonstrated by the dynamically operating companies in our region, recognized not only in the country but also abroad. It is not without reason that Małopolska is one of the leading destinations chosen for the organization of business and economic meetings, which only confi rms the thesis that it is a perfect place for business development. Read more about new technologies, computer science and innovations in Małopolska.

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.

Industrial Design, Clothing, Footwear Industry in Malopolska

The value of the Polish clothing market amounts to approximately PLN 29.7 billion and is one of the largest and most attractive markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The fashion industry was dominated by private enterprises and small companies employing less than 50 people, which constitute about 85% of all companies in this sector. In 2017, 185.7 thousand people were employed in the clothing industry. The largest number of people found employment in the clothing production segment (96.8 thousand people). 27.5 thousand people were employed in the production of leather and leather goods, and almost 60 thousand people - in the production of textiles, most of them in the private sector (99.4%).

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.

Furniture Industry, Joinery, Interior Furnishing in Malopolska

The furniture industry is one of the most important branches of Polish industry and a solid support for our exports. The Polish furniture industry is currently experiencing a real boom. After a period of slowdown that took place in the industry in the 1980s, the Polish furniture and interior design industry began to be consistently revived with our accession to the EU. Our own ideas and original projects not inspired by Western trends and designs turned out to be an excellent idea to mark out our position in the international market and at the same time a chance to promote Poland in the world. The number of companies in the furniture industry in 2013-2017 increased by 22.5% from 14,390 to 17,631. As of the end of 2017, the average employment rate in a furniture company was 10.7 employees. You want know more? Check it out!

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.

Agriculture, food and processing industry in Malopolska

In 2018, there were over 143.8 thousand farms in the Małopolska Region with the total area of cultivable land of almost 557.1 thousand ha, which constituted 3.8% of the total agricultural cultivable land in agricultural holdings in Poland. The average area of cultivable land per farm is 3.7 ha, whereas the average for Poland is 9.5 ha. In 2016, the gross value added
worked out in Małopolska Region in section A according to PKD (agriculture with fisheries, hunting and forestry) amounted to PLN 1 702
million. What stands out are the products connected with the region „specialization centres”, i.e. vegetable and fruit production, which have
been known for years. A relatively new, fastgrowing and appreciated branch of the Małopolska Region agriculture is vine growing and home wine production.

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.


Electrical engineering industry, machine industry and metal industry in Malopolska

At the end of 2018, in the Małopolska Region, according to the REGON classification (National Official Register of National Economy Entities), 5,084 enterprises were registered in the „electrical engineering and machine industry” area, and 7,471 in the area of „production of metals and metal products from non-metallic mineral raw materials”.

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.


Cosmetics Market SPA & Wellness

There are tens of thousands of beauty salons and Spa & Wellness centres in Poland. Because the market is continuously developing, service quality improvement has is a core and constant priority for all service providers. New technologies and updating of know-how play an important role here as an essential element of competitive struggle. Many of them are located in our region. These are modern cosmetic institutes offering a wide range of biological regeneration services. Poland is one of the largest markets of Spa & Wellness services in Central and Eastern Europe - 600 Spa facilities, medical Spa and sanatoriums offers huge potential for tourists.

Małopolska Region is one of the leading Polish regions in the field of spa services. The southern part of the province is the richest region in the country in terms of size, quality and use of water deposits of therapeutic value. There are 9 registered health resorts in Małopolska: Swoszowice, Rabka Zdrój, Szczawnica, Piwniczna, Żegiestów Zdrój, Muszyna, Krynica Zdrój, Wysowa, Wapienne. This list is closed by Wieliczka, which is not classified as a spa town, but has a sanatorium facility on its territory.

Publication has been prepared as part of the implementation of the „Power up Your Business in Małopolska 2” project, sub-measure 3.3.1 of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020.


Przewodnik biznesowy po Małopolsce

Przewodnik biznesowy po Małopolsce.

Małopolskie inteligentne specjalizacje – przewodnik

Małopolskie inteligentne specjalizacje – przewodnik.

Przewodnik inwestora w Polsce - opracowanie PAIH

Przewodnik inwestora w Polsce - opracowanie PAIH.

Przewodnik dla Inwestora

Przewodnik zawiera kompletny zestaw procedur obowiązujących na terenie Miasta Krakowa z podziałem na poszczególne etapy inwestycji. Znajdziemy w nim niezbędne informacje związane z planowaniem, przygotowaniem i realizacją inwestycji.

Ponadto znajdują się w nim również linki do stron internetowych z danymi przydatnymi w procesie inwestycyjnym.